Where he so kindly replies, "who the hell are you? Get lost!" Ok. I look at this guy and ask him what his problem is. He says, "nothing" with a smile. So I ask him if he likes guys. Simple reasonable question... no? He gets nervous and scratches his head just for all near to see a open bag of coke come out of his pocket and fall all over the side stage(Picture taken of "goods" above). I personally thought this to be the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Now I've seen a bit of coke movies in my time. One thing I've learned is that its all expensive. This doosh must've lost about $200 or so. Well needless to say this doosh notices he dropped the "goods" then barrels for the front door. Good news for Mr. Doosh.... I'm standing right beside the club owner. Too bad he dropped the numbing powder. He's going to need to be as numb as possible where he's going.
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